
Event Details

Frequency Licensing of a Nanosatellite in the Canadian Regulatory Environment

Presenter: Levente Buzas

Date: Thu, November 25, 2021
Time: 12:00:00 - 13:00:00
Place: ZOOM - Please see below.


Zoom meeting link: 

Meeting ID: 867 6211 4151

Password: 679651

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Summary:  The proliferation of small satellites at the beginning of the 21st century created an unprecedented opportunity for satellite development by non-government entities. The ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø has joined this trend by its participation in the Canadian CubeSat Project. Under this new initiative by the Canadian Space Agency, UVic has been awarded an opportunity to design, build, and launch a 2U CubeSat named ORCASat, with a mission focused on education and space research. The topic of this seminar presentation is the frequency licensing of the in house satellite communication system which has been developed for this spacecraft at UVic. This formal, technical process is one of the key steps which makes ORCASat realizable, as it results in government endorsement for the launch and operation of this spacecraft. The presentation starts with the concept of CubeSats, as well as some context for the ORCASat mission, followed by an overview of the relevant domestic and international regulatory environment for satellite frequency licensing. Then, the frequency licensing process is introduced in detail, using ORCASat as an example to consider its various steps. Finally, the presentation is concluded with a snapshot of the frequency licensing status of the ORCASat project as of November 2021, as well as a consideration of the future licensing work which will be required prior to the launch of ORCAsat in Q3-Q4 2022.

More info on the ORCASat project: