
Event Details

A Software Package for Generating Code Coverage Reports With Gcov

Presenter: Zhenmai Hu

Date: Tue, November 23, 2021
Time: 10:30:00 - 11:30:00
Place: ZOOM - Please see below.


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Code coverage is an essential tool often used in software testing. The developed Gcov Report Generator (GRG) software is suitable for GCC C++ Compiler version 10 onwards, including a library for generating code coverage reports in PDF format using Gcov and a supporting application program called coverage that uses the library through the command line. This GRG software can be used as a front-end tool to the Gcov program to generate nicely-formatted and customized code coverage reports in PDF format with statement coverage, function coverage, and branch coverage information. In addition, it provides program options to filter the file and function patterns, select coverage criteria types, specify coverage thresholds, and aggregate function information for templates, constructors, and destructors.