
Event Details

Complexity reduction using frequency masking technique for FIR filter design.

Presenter: Sanjeev Kumar

Date: Fri, November 19, 2021
Time: 10:00:00 - 00:00:00
Place: ZOOM - Please see below.


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Abstract : The class of frequency-response-masking (FRM) filters, first investigated by Y.C. Lim [1] in 1980s, has shown to provide considerably improved performance for the design of finite impulse response (FIR) filters with narrow transition bandwidth relative to its conventional counterparts. The frequency-response masking approach is suitable for digital filters with sharp transition bands. Compared to the classical single-filter design, this technique offers the advantage of lower coefficients sensitivity, higher computation speed and lower power consumption [22]. Design of Low pass FIR filters using the conventional window method technique has also been highlighted with different design examples. The window technique has limitation as it lacks flexibility because, in design both the peak passband (δp) and stopband (δs) ripples are considered approximately equals, so that the designer can’t make a passband ripple very small or a stopband attenuation very large. Further, the order of FIR filters designed using the window technique tends to increase fast when a narrow transition band is required.  These design limitations can be overcome by using the frequency masking techniques which provides high selectivity with reduced arithmetic complexity. In this project low pass narrow band FRM FIR filter design has been discussed and implemented in MATLAB highlighting reduced complexity by reducing the order of the designed filters. Two masking filter technique have been considered. In the first one masking filter is being used [26]. In the second, two masking filter have been used [1][4] to design filters with more general passband. The comparison of their FIR filter designs indicates that the FRM techniques leads to lower order FIR filters particularly in the case of narrow transition band filters.