
Event Details

Electrical Properties of Self-assembled Metal-Molecular Networks: Modelling, Experiment and Applications

Presenter: Eberechukwu Amadi

Date: Tue, September 14, 2021
Time: 10:00:00 - 11:00:00
Place: ZOOM - Please see below.


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In this work, electronic transport through self-assembled molecular networks with tunable molecule-to-colloidal gold nanoparticle ratios (ranging from 1:1 to 50:1) is studied using two-terminal electrical characterization techniques. Nanoscale networks, comprising of thiol molecules and gold nanoparticles, were fabricated using a solution-based directed self-assembly technique.

The electronic properties of the networks could be altered by modifying the molecule–gold nanoparticle ratio and/or type of molecules in the network. For example, resistance could be controllably tuned by several orders of magnitude (~106 to 1012 ohms) for the structures studied. The self-assembled molecular networks display linear I-V behavior at low bias, while nonlinear I-V behavior (e.g., negative differential resistance and hysteresis) was observed at larger biases. Low-bias SPICE circuit simulations showed good agreement with experimental data and provide an avenue for engineering nanoscale networks with different properties.

In addition, electronic transport properties of nanoscale networks (linear and branched chains of Au metal clusters and benzenedithiol molecules), are studied using first-principles density functional theory-based simulations. Calculated I-V characteristics exhibited nonlinearities and rectification with NDR peaks that became more pronounced with increasing chain length. Additionally, tunability of the transmission was observed on modifying the length/geometries of the nanoscale networks. 

Experimental and simulation results of this study highlight the potential of nanoscale molecular networks as circuit elements in future nanoelectronic devices and circuits, including memory, logic, switching, sensing, and hardware security.