
Event Details

A student performance prediction model for recruitment and retention

Presenter: Linlin Zhang

Date: Tue, August 17, 2021
Time: 13:00:00 - 00:00:00
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Abstract:  Education is an important part of everyone’s life all over the world. Many institutions have started to use scientific methods to provide clues to help students improve their performance and assist educational institutions in improving quality and making better informed decisions. This gives rise to the research area of student academic performance prediction. Successful outcomes would facilitate both recruitment and retention of students, especially at the tertiary level. We investigate previous literature published in the past ten years to study the latest state-of-art in student academic prediction, and we propose to build an accurate prediction model. The primary goal of the proposed research is to develop a prediction model to predict student academic performance, which are student overall GPA, program duration and failure in the program to be specific. We also propose a tool with graphical user interfaces (GUI) integrated with the prediction model. In addition, we setup different case studies to uncover the hidden patterns from the student data.