
Event Details

Reliability Improvement of Hydro One Distribution System using CYME

Presenter: Amrit Dash

Date: Tue, August 17, 2021
Time: 16:00:00 - 10:00:00
Place: Zoom - please see link below


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Abstract: Reliability in electrical engineering refers to the ability of power systems (transmission systems or distribution systems) to perform their intended function of providing an adequate supply of electrical energy to customers efficiently with a reasonable assurance of continuity and quality. Reliability studies are further classified into two categories: adequacy and security. Adequacy analysis refers to the examination of capabilities within the system to satisfy the customer load demand and system operational constraints. System security follows system adequacy. Currently, the Hydro One distribution system is over-capacity in most of the populated regions. Further, with ageing assets and increasing anticipated future load growth, there is a need for temporary solutions to accommodate future commercial and residential load growth. The option of replacing ageing assets is not feasible due to high costs and implementation time, so alternatives must be looked at.

The goal of the work is to explore various alternatives including the use of pad-mount transformers to relieve distribution stations in the Mount Albert region which is studied using CYME. The load flow analysis technique CYMDIST is instrumental in determining the feasibility of the alternatives. This will provide relief solutions for the stations to accommodate future load growth in the region. As a result of this implementation, the reliability of the region will improve so power quality and low voltage concerns are eliminated. This solution will help the Hydro One distribution system accommodate immediate load growth and address reliability concerns in the short term. The SAIDI, SAIFI and CAIDI values of the stations is further improved by installing behind-the-meter power-walls.