
Event Details

Post-Quantum Hash-Based Group Signature Schemes

Presenter: Mahmoud Mahmoud

Date: Fri, August 6, 2021
Time: 11:00:00 - 00:00:00
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Abstract: A Group Signature Scheme (GSS) is a signature scheme where N members share one public key, and any member is allowed to sign anonymously on behalf of the whole group. Such a scheme designates a group manager that is responsible for setup, revealing the signer's identity, and revoking the membership of group members when required. Most of the group signature schemes rely on number-theoretic assumptions and thus are not post-quantum secure.  Hash-based group signature schemes have recently attracted research interest due to recent advances in the design of stateless hash-based signature schemes and the confidence in their PQ security. Group Merkle (GM) (PQCrypto 2018) and Dynamic Group Merkle (DGM) (ESORICS 2019) are recent proposals for post-quantum hash-based group signature schemes. They are designed as generic constructions that employ any stateful Merkle hash-based signature scheme. XMSS-T (PKC 2016, RFC8391) is the latest stateful Markle hash-based signature scheme where (almost) optimal parameters are provided.  

In this seminar, we show that the setup phase of both GM and DGM does not enable their drop-in instantiation by XMSS-T, thus limiting both designs to employing earlier XMSS versions with sub-optimal parameters which negatively affects the performance of both schemes. We provide a tweak to the setup phase of both GM and DGM to tackle such a limitation and enable the adoption of XMSS-T. Moreover, we analyze the bit security of DGM when instantiated with XMSS-T and show that it is susceptible to multi-target attacks because of its parallel Signing Merkle Trees (SMT) approach. More precisely, when DGM is used to sign 2^64 messages, its bit security is 44 bits less than that of XMSS-T. Then, we provide a DGM variant that mitigates multi-target attacks and show that it attains the same bit of security as XMSS-T. Finally, we propose GMMT A Revocable Group Merkle Multi-Tree Signature Scheme that provides solutions to some of the limitations of the two aforementioned schemes.