
Event Details

Dual Stage Phase Unwrapping

Presenter: Bardia Barabadi

Date: Fri, July 30, 2021
Time: 10:00:00 - 00:00:00
Place: ZOOM - Please see below.



Meeting ID: 852 5628 7658

Password: 194861

Note: Please log in to Zoom via SSO and your UVic Netlink ID


Abstract: Energy minimization on large scale problems can be expensive to compute. This chapter presents an extension of a primal-dual algorithm to scale to large scale convex energy minimization problems, while guaranteeing the global optimum on convergence. This is done through the use of a so-called “Dual-Stage” approach that exposes a natural level of parallelism. Benchmarks on the Phase Unwrapping problem in InSAR show that using this approach can give significant improvements to computation-time and memory-time used.