
Event Details

A Finite-Element Mode Solver for Microcavity and Step-Index Fiber

Presenter: Jiawen Li

Date: Thu, April 15, 2021
Time: 13:00:00 - 14:00:00
Place: Zoom - please see link below


Zoom meeting link:   

Meeting ID: 813 4662 7232

Password:  650107

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Abstract:  Sfepy is an open-source framework that is dedicated to solving partial differential equation (PDE) problems with the finite element method (FEM). And Gmsh is a 3D mesh generator combining a build-in CAD engine that provides a speedy, light, and easy implementation meshing tool. I build a finite element mode solver based on Sfepy and Gmsh for step-index fiber mode and whispering gallery mode (WGM) analysis. The simulation results are satisfying and match the COMSOL results quite well. The simulation process requires the following steps: (1) A good finite element mesh which determines the quality of simulation, (2) a problem description file (.py) is required since Sfepy doesn't have GUI.