
Event Details

Towards Epidemic SMS-based Cellular Botnets

Presenter: Asem Kitana

Date: Tue, April 6, 2021
Time: 10:00:00 - 11:00:00
Place: ZOOM - Please see below.


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Meeting ID: 865 4240 1588
Password: 662792

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Abstract: Attacks and threats against cellular devices such as botnets are becoming more and more prominent. Focusing on short message services (SMS) phishing attack, this seminar focuses on the design of an epidemic cellular botnet that initiates such attack and studies its epidemic behavior by deploying an epidemic C&C mechanism. In addition, three random graphs models are implemented as topologies in the proposed epidemic cellular botnet, namely the Barabasi–and-Albert topology (BAT), Erdos-and-Reyni topology (ERT), and Watts-and-Strogatz topology (WST). Results show that: (1) Compared to BAT and WST, ERT is the optimal topology for enhancing the epidemic behavior of the proposed cellular botnet, (2) the BAT topology is less resilient to devices’ failures compared to the ERT and WST topologies. (3) the BAT topology represents the best model for mitigating the epidemic behavior of cellular botnets.