
Event Details

NC-MAC: Network Coding-based Distributed MAC Protocol for Reliable Beacon Broadcasting in V2X

Presenter: Hamed Mosavat-Jahromi

Date: Wed, December 2, 2020
Time: 14:00:00 - 15:00:00
Place: ZOOM - Please see below.


Zoom meeting link

Meeting ID: 453 454 5330

Password:  ECE        

Note: Please log in to Zoom via SSO and your UVic Netlink ID

Abstract:  To support emerging vehicular applications such as autonomous driving, the reliability of beacon broadcasting becomes an indispensable issue which is also difficult given the highly dynamic topology and vehicle density. For the territories which are not covered with communication infrastructure, controlling and scheduling in a centralized way may not be applicable. Therefore, vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) ad hoc communication is promising to address the ubiquitousness coverage concern. In this seminar, a distributed network coding-based medium access control protocol (NC-MAC) is presented to support V2V beacon broadcasting. We combine the preamble-based feedback mechanism, retransmissions, and network coding together to enhance broadcasting reliability.