
Event Details

A Practical Wireless Communication System Exploiting Superimposed Signals

Presenter: Wen Cui

Date: Tue, December 1, 2020
Time: 10:00:00 - 11:00:00
Place: ZOOM - Please see below.


Zoom meeting link

Meeting ID: 733 474 7522

Password: 602230

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Abstract: Superimposed signals are anticipated to improve wireless spectrum efficiency to support the ever-growing IoT applications. Implementing the superimposed signal demands on ideally aligned signals in both the time and frequency domains. Prior work applied an average carrier-frequency offset compensation to the superimposed signal under the assumptions of homogeneous devices and static environments. However, this will cause a significant signal distortion in practice when heterogeneous IoT devices are involved in a dynamic environment. This seminar will present you PhyCode which exploits the nature of varying offsets across devices, and designs a dynamic decoding scheme that can react to the exact offsets from different signal sources simultaneously. We implement PhyCode via a software-defined radio platform and demonstrate that PhyCode achieves a lower raw BER compared with the existing state-of-the-art method.