
Event Details

Automatic Decentralized Blockchain-based Worm Containment System

Presenter: Mohamed Elsayed

Date: Fri, November 27, 2020
Time: 13:00:00 - 14:00:00
Place: ZOOM - Please see below.


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Cyberattacks constitute a significant threat to modern information technology systems. Computer worms are used increasingly to conduct cyberattacks in order to compromise computers and the data stored on them. The self-propagation characteristic of computer worms allows them to spread fast and infect many hosts in a computer network. Thus, this makes it difficult for humans to deploy a timely countermeasure to confront worm infections within the attacked network. Worm containment is the utilized technique to stop worm spread in a computer network. To be effective, the containment technique should be automatic, timely, reliable, and implemented in a distributed manner. In this seminar, a novel distributed automatic blockchain-based worm containment system is introduced. The containment is achieved by creating and distributing vulnerability-based filters for the vulnerabilities being exploited. A vulnerability-based filter is employed to drop any received network message contains variants of a worm that attempts to exploit the same vulnerability. The vulnerability-based filter generation is carried out utilizing a blockchain smart contract deployed in the attacked network. The blockchain ensures reliability, timely response, trustworthy filters, and the availability of all filters in a distributed ledger maintained by network hosts. This containment system has been implemented against a synthetic worm. The obtained results show that the introduced blockchain-based containment system introduces low overhead as well as ensures timely and automatic response to worm attacks.