
Event Details

Terahertz System-on-Chip Using Coplanar Stripline Transmission Line on Thin Membrane

Presenter: Walid Abdelmouty

Date: Thu, November 26, 2020
Time: 15:00:00 - 16:00:00
Place: ZOOM - Please see below.


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Meeting ID: 899 7995 8626

Password: 175200


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Abstract: A guided-wave THz System-on-Chip (TSoC) is emerging as an attractive alternative to the routine free-space THz systems to reduce physical bulk, propagation loss, pulse dispersion and cost of free-space THz systems. Recently, Our research group succeeded in demonstrating a novel waveguided TSoC based on the coplanar stripline (CPS) transmission lines on a 1 µm-thin Silicon Nitride membrane. The novelty of this membrane-based platform was bonding the transmitter and receiver directly on the transmission line to eliminate the radiation loss by the routine THz optics. Besides, the delicate thin-membrane dramatically reduces the dielectric loss of the platform which results in low-loss and low-dispersion THz-bandwidth pulses. We present the first end-to-end TSoC components that were designed and fabricated using the CPS transmission lines on 1 µm-thin Si3N4 membranes. These components are integrated into a TSoC by bending or connecting different impedance CPS transmission-line sections. We demonstrate four passive TSoC components: THz low-pass filter (TLPF), THz power divider (TPD), THz apodized Bragg grating (TABG) and THz branch-line coupler (TBLC). One of the most significant gains from this work is the assurance that more complex TSoCs can be designed and fabricated using this membrane-platform based on the strong agreement between simulation and experimental results.