
Event Details

Terahertz low-pass filter based on cascaded resonators formed by CPS bending on a thin membrane

Presenter: Walid Abdelmouty

Date: Fri, November 13, 2020
Time: 15:00:00 - 16:00:00
Place: https://uvic.zoom.us/j/88917640970?pwd=WVczL1RPSU9zaGpoeTBsd0ZiU0MwQT09


Abstract:  A membrane-based coplanar-stripline (CPS) transmission-line platform has recently enabled the implementation of diverse THz system-on-chip (TSoC) components. We demonstrate an elliptic-function THz low-pass filter (TLPF) using cascaded λ/4 resonators between the right-angle bending of a CPS transmission line defined on a 1 µm-thin membrane. We investigated the effect of bending the CPS transmission line with different angles that introduces a frequency response similar to a simple LC low-pass filter (LPF) and facilitates the design of a desired roll-off performance using traditional methods. ANSYS HFSS was used to provide a full-wave analysis and characterize the effective parameters of the TLPF with a designed
cutoff-frequency around 0.6 THz. Using 7 sections of right-angle CPS bending with a total length of 1.4 mm, we demonstrate experimentally an elliptic-function TLPF characterized by a low-ripple at passband, a roll-off transition with zero transmission near the cutoff frequency and a wide stopband with -60 dB rejection.