
Event Details

A Flexible C++ Library for Wavelet Transforms of 3-D Polygon Meshes

Presenter: Shengyang Wei

Date: Tue, February 4, 2020
Time: 13:30:00 - 14:30:00
Place: EOW 430



A polygon mesh is one of the most popular object representations in 3-D modeling. To model an object as realistic as possible, a polygon mesh usually consumes a large number of resources (e.g. memory). Subdivision and wavelet transforms are practical techniques to handle this kind of problem.  In this project, subdivision, wavelet transforms, the lifting framework for implementing wavelet transforms, and the details of lifted Loop and Butterfly wavelet transforms are studied. A Wavelet Transform Toolkit (WTT) for implementing and computing lifted wavelet transforms is proposed. The WTT can be easily used for computing the Loop and Butterfly wavelet transforms. With proper customization, it also can be used to compute a custom wavelet transform. Our experimental results have shown that the WTT computes the Loop and Butterfly wavelet transform reasonably fast. This seminar primarily focuses on the implementation of the Loop and Butterfly wavelet transforms as well as some background information. A Qt-based GUI program will be presented to demonstrate the use of the WTT.