
Event Details

Spectroscopic analysis of samples in aqueous environments using a hollow core fiber

Presenter: Akshara Adike

Date: Thu, January 30, 2020
Time: 13:00:00 - 14:00:00
Place: EOW 430


The thesis details the procedure, results of Raman spectroscopy obtained on graded concentrations of liquid samples passing through the core of a stand alone hollow core fiber (HCF). Followed by Raman, spectroscopic analysis is done with the same samples in the core of a directional hollow core fiber coupler, fabricated using a silica core (SCF) single mode fiber and HCF using the principle of evanescent wave coupling, enabling the periodic transfer of light signal between SCF and HCF. With the SCF-HCF coupler, the core of the HCF can be filled with aqueous samples which leads to the change of the light signal propagating through the SCF as a result of the interaction of light with the sample at the coupling region. The study conducted a detailed and profound literature review which led to measuring the back reflections in contrast to the traditional measurement of propagating light in the SCF. After a series of experiments using varying concentrations of samples such as Ytterbium Oxide (Yb2O3) suspension, Double Walled Carbon Nanotubes(DWCNT) suspension, aqueous Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S), aqueous H2S in DWCNT suspension, it is found that the concentrations of each sample are distinguishable by measuring the back reflections of the SCF-HCF coupler and the results are promising for optical sensors.