
Event Details

Design of an 8x8 Cross-Con

Presenter: Chad Bartlett

Date: Mon, July 15, 2019
Time: 12:00:00 - 13:00:00
Place: EOW 230



An ever-increasing demand for wider bandwidths in communication, radar, and imaging

systems has emerged. In order to facilitate this growing demand, progressive research

into millimeter-wave technologies has become vital in achieving next generation networks

such as 5G. Being cost e ective and easy to manufacture, Substrate Integrated Waveguide

(SIW) circuits have been demonstrated as a viable candidate for high-frequency

applications due to their low-loss, high quality-factor, and high power-handling


Research on beam-forming networks, especi cally the Butler matrix, has demonstrated

powerful beam-steering capabilities through the use of passive component networks.

Through these clever con gurations, a cost e ective and robust option is available for us

to use. In order to further millimeter-wave research in this area, this talk presents a

modified con figuration of the Butler Matrix in SIW that is physically reconfi gurable; by

separating the Butler matrix from the antenna array at a pre-selected point, the array

can be easily interchanged with other 1-dimensional, and 2-dimensional slot antenna

arrays. Although this system does not fall under the rigorous de finitions of Recon gurable

Antennas, it should be noted that the inter-changeability of 1 and 2 dimensional arrays

is not typically expressed in Butler matrix con figurations. Design and simulations are

carried out in CST Microwave Studio to inspect individual components as well as system

characteristics. Circuit prototypes are then manufactured and tested in an anachoic

chamber to validate simulation results and the design approach.