
Event Details

Encryption Schemes Based on Linear Block Codes

Presenter: Dr. T. A. Gulliver

Date: Thu, March 14, 2019
Time: 13:00:00 - 00:00:00
Place: EOW 430


Recently, there has been a renewed interest in cryptosystems based on linear codes. The main reason is that code based encryption schemes are resistant to quantum attacks. In fact, there are proposals to use them as standard encryption schemes for secure communication and key exchange protocols in the post-quantum era. However, code based cryptosystems have two main drawbacks. The drawbacks are low information rate and large key sizes. The main factors constituting these drawbacks are the use of permutation and scrambling matrices and keeping the code structure secret.

In this seminar, three new code based encryption schemes will be presented. In these cryptosystems there is no permutation or scrambling involved and the code is public. Two of these encryption schemes are symmetric key cryptosystems based on random bit flipping, random block deletions, and random interleaving of codewords. The key size and security level of these cryptosystems will be analyzed. It will be shown that the information rate is significantly higher and the key size is smaller than similarly structured code based cryptosystems.

The last encryption scheme is a public key encryption scheme based on random padding in a plaintext and random bit flipping in its corresponding codeword. It will be shown that this encryption scheme has a high information rate and small key size. This new public key encryption scheme also has indistinguishability against chosen plaintext attacks. This means that a ciphertext will not reveal any information about its plaintext other than its length.