
Event Details

Systolic Design Space Exploration of EEA-based Inversion over Binary Fields.

Presenter: Ibrahim Hazmi

Date: Wed, August 15, 2018
Time: 12:00:00 - 13:00:00
Place: EOW 430



Finite field arithmetic is a branch of algebra that has applications in many areas, such as error-correcting codes, discrete system control, pseudorandom number generation, and cryptography. Among the field arithmetic operations, Inversion is the most expensive operation to be implemented in hardware. In this seminar, inversion over binary fields based on the traditional extended Euclidean algorithm (EEA) is demonstrated. A modified EEA algorithm is presented and the design space of inversion over GF(2^m) is explored in order to allow for processes concurrency. Polynomial division and multiplication are revisited, and their derived iterative equations, which are suitable for systolic array implementation, are presented. Then, a concurrent divider/multiplier-accumulator is developed using a systolic methodology, while the resulting systolic architecture is utilized to build the EEA-based inverter. Finally, the complexity of the proposed design is analyzed and compared with different efficient inverters.