
Event Details

Direction of Arrival Estimation Technique for Narrow-Band signals Based on Spatial Discrete Fourier Transform

Presenter: Ramin Zaeim

Date: Fri, August 10, 2018
Time: 14:30:00 - 15:30:00
Place: EOW 230


The need for Array Signal Processing arises in many engineering applications including wireless communications, radar, radio astronomy, sonar, navigation, tracking of various objects, rescue and other emergency assistance devices. Much of the work in this field, especially in earlier days, focused on radio direction finding, that is estimating the direction of electromagnetic waves impinging on one or more antennas.


This work deals with the further development of a method for Direction of Arrival (DOA) estimation based on the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) of the sensor array output.


In this study two main objectives will be studied, 1- the reduction of the number of sensors used in antenna array and 2-the performance of the DFT based technique in the presence of high noise.


Experimental simulations illustrate that in absence of noise, the proposed method is very fast and using just one snapshot is sufficient to accurately estimate DOAs. Also, in presence of noise, the method is still relatively fast and using a few number of snapshots, it can accurately estimate DOAs.


Also, the conditions that should be satisfied to avoid overlapping of main-lobes, and thus loosing the DOA of some signals, in the DFT spectrum are examined.


This study further analyzes the performance of the proposed method as well as two other commonly used algorithms, MUSIC and conventional beamformer and different features of the spatial DFT technique, such as accuracy, resolution, sensitivity to noise, effect of multiple snapshots and the number of sensors were evaluated and compared with those of existing techniques. The simulations indicate that in most aspects the proposed spatial DFT algorithm outperforms the other techniques.