
Student Clubs

Below is a list of Civil Engineering Student Clubs.

American Concrete Institute (ACI)

Dr. Rishi Gupta, Faculty Advisor, ACI-UVic student chapter (left) and Jay Viradiya, President, ACI-UVic student chapter (right) at the ACI Convention in San Francisco, 2023

The American Concrete Institute (ACI) 番茄社区's student chapter, which came into existence in 2015, has been playing an essential role in promoting the field of concrete study among students. The chapter's primary focus lies in augmenting the comprehension of concrete and elevating recognition of ACI and its affiliated chapters.

As part of our chapter, members can expect a diverse set of experiences, from engaging in various contests, embarking on insightful tours, participating in enlightening technical discourses, to partaking in social activities. These engagements offer an excellent avenue for academic enhancement, networking, and socializing among peers with a shared interest.

At present, we are seeking passionate students to join us as executive members. These positions provide the unique opportunity to be a part of the club's administration and decision-making processes, playing a crucial role in shaping its journey ahead.

We're excited to connect with you, and together, let's delve deeper into the compelling universe of concrete!

For more information email:

President: Jay Viradiya 

Vice President: Sanaz Ajabshir 

Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE)

The Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE)  is a not-for-profit learned society created to develop and maintain high standards of civil engineering practice in Canada and to enhance the public image of the civil engineering profession. It is a well-known society developed to build professional connections between students and industry, as well as to maintain the high standards of civil engineering practices in Canada. Here in the UVic student chapter, we are a group of undergraduate and graduate students who facilitate the exchange of knowledge through hosting educational workshops, lectures, webinars, industry talks, and industry site visits, all to help civil engineering students gain insight into real civil projects and ease the transition from student to professional. We also aim to assist UVic students in making connections with their peers through hosting social events, and act as a feedback hub for program and course suggestions from students.  

Some Events and Highlights from Past Year

Industry Night 2023 

This year, in partnership with ITE UVic Student Chapter, our team was fortunate to host the Annual UVic Civil Engineering Industry Night that was held at the 番茄社区 First People's House on June 22, 2023. This annual event provides an excellent opportunity for students, faculty, and industry professionals to make lasting connections.

For more information email



Concrete Canoe Club

The first Civil Engineering student team, was formed in late 2015 and competed for the first time in 2016 at the CSCE Canadian National Concrete Canoe Competition (CNCCC), an annual competition that involves the design, construction and racing of a concrete canoe. The team participated in the 2019 CNCCC competition, the online CNCCC in 2021, and participated in the ASCE PNW Concrete Canoe Competition in late April 2022, held in Vancouver by UBC.

For more information contact the Club Advisor, Dr. Rishi Gupta, guptar@uvic.ca 


AISES has 45 years of Indigenous STEM learning and community-building experience, and provides networking, peer support and mentorship to Indigenous peoples in STEM at all levels of their educational and professional experience. Students are given opportunities to explore undergraduate and graduate opportunities, engage with Indigenous STEM professionals, as well as network with scholarship granting organizations and corporations looking to hire. STEM professionals and corporations have the opportunity to meet bright, accomplished young Indigenous STEM students looking to establish a career in STEM.



UVic Concrete Toboggan Club

We are the University of Victoria Concrete Toboggan Team, a group of engineering students intent on creating our first concrete toboggan everThe Great Northern Concrete Toboggan Race  (GNCTR) is Canada's oldest and largest engineering student competition and we represented UVic for the very first time in 2022 Calgary competition. 

UVic concrete toboggan team brings you an amazing opportunity to improve your technical and non-technical skills. Technical experience includes concrete ski design, steering, brakes and roll cage design, construction safety, and lab techniques and nontechnical experience includes teamwork, communication, fundraising, and scheduling.        

For more information contact the Club Advisor, Dr. Rishi Gupta, guptar@uvic.ca 

Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE)

was formed in May 2022 after recognizing a strong interest at UVic for transportation, particularly as it relates to sustainability. This Chapter serves to promote and foster interest in transportation engineering, planning and policy within the UVic community, connecting students to the profession and ITE. Through competent speakers and other activities such as site tours, industry events, social events and workshops, the chapter hopes to acquaint students with transportation topics, foster professional spirit, and connect students by common interests. The Chapter also stands to promote the expansion of transportation-related education at UVic.

For more information email 

UVic Global Engineering Brigade Club

Are you passionate about global health and economic equity and solving water disparities? Interested in developing your practical engineering knowledge? Want to meet like-minded individuals?

Join the world's largest student-led movement for global and economic health and equity! With UVic Global Engineering Brigades, you'll be given the opportunity to explore your passion in the field of engineering through skill-based volunteering, develop life-long friendships, and improve your cultural competency on our in-person brigade to Honduras this spring reading break.

Meetings are held on Thursday at 5 PM in Cornett A121, so check in with our (@uvicglobalbrigades on Instagram) 

For more information email  

Danielle Mar

Ayden Martin

Don't miss out on this amazing experience!

UVic Renewable Energy Club

The helps students develop key skills and knowledge related to the ever-important field of sustainable energy production and climate change solutions. UREC participates in the US Solar Decathlon; a competition to design a sustainable community building graded on many different engineering, business, and architecture topics.

For more information email


UVic Seismic Design Team

" designs, models, tests and builds a 20-storey, 5 ft tall balsa wood structure that is subjected to earthquake ground motions at the international EERI (Earthquake Engineering Research Institute) Seismic Design Competition every year. Our team offers a hands-on learning and networking experience for undergraduate students interested in structural, geotechnical, architectural and earthquake engineering. Our team is currently in the process of testing our prototype structure in preparation for the 2023 design competition in April in San Francisco, California!"

Shake Test

For more information email