
Course policy

Every course offered through the Biomedical Engineering program will have an official course description webpage in UVic's . The site provides general information about the course and its administration.Each course may also have its own home page with more detailed information. Its address will be given on the course outline, and its content and observation of property rights, is the responsibility of the Instructor. 

Departmental rules

It is the responsibility of each student to read and follow the departmental rules. 

Attend classes and observe the progress of the course. 

Understand that dates for assignments, reports, presentations, quizzes, and midterm exams stated in Web Course Outlines are tentative. They may be changed. Information about any changes will be given in class.The approval of the class to make a change in the dates is not necessary. For any changes, students will be informed in a reasonable time before the due dates. For instance, two weeks before a midterm exam and one week before a quiz are reasonable. 

In case of inability of a student to write any quizzes or the midterm exam(s) due to illness (or any other acceptable reasons specified in the Calendar), their contributions will normally be transferred to the final component. 

In regard to group reports and projects; the group members must immediately bring to the attention of the instructor any problems which may hamper their progress, for instance if a member of the group is not contributing to the project, etc. Otherwise, the group as a whole will be responsible. Unless otherwise stated in the course outlines:

  1. The final numerical score will be transferred to a letter grade following the letter grading scheme described in the University Calendar.
F E D C C+ B- B B+ A- A A+
0-49 TBD 50-59 60-64 65-69 70-72 73-76 77-79 80-84 85-89 90-100
  1. A passing grade in the final examination must be obtained in order to pass the course.
  2. Self-contained (with no wireless communication capability) calculators are allowed in all exams.
  3. Late assignments, reports, any midterm work will normally receive no marks.
  4. Department does not post final grades. 

Cheating, plagiarism and other forms of academic fraud are taken very seriously by both the university and the department. You should consult the and read the specific guidelines concerning fraud below. Note that the university policy includes the statement that "A largely or fully plagiarized assignment should result in a grade of F for the course." Please also consult Faculty of Engineering Standards for Professional Behaviour.

Students should read and refresh their knowledge of pertinent rules and regulations in the University Calendar on , UVic's , UVic's , and others. 

The 番茄社区 is committed to promoting, providing and protecting a positive, supportive and safe learning and working environment for all its members.

Specific guidelines concerning fraud

These guidelines concern the type of fraud where a student presents another's work as his or her own, or allows another to do so:

As fraud invalidates the evaluation of a student's progress, it is the duty of instructors, teaching assistants, and laboratory assistants to take measures to prevent fraud and to be vigilant towards symptoms of fraud.

Students are encouraged to study together. But, unless the contrary is indicated, submitted work is to be done by students individually.

In case fraud is detected, credit is withheld from the work affected. The students involved are reported to the Department Chair who may take additional disciplinary action commensurate with the severity of the fraud and the past records of the students. Actions that may be taken include: no marks for the piece of work; failure in the course; or, in repeat cases, withdrawal from the program or the university.
