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CCR activities & positions

Co-curricular Record (CCR) experiences include an activity and a position.


The activity is the community or organization that the student will be part of (e.g., the UVic Global Community, Orientation, Vikes Nation, Residence Life and Education).


The position is the role the student will play within the organization or community. The position title and description will appear on the student’s Co-curricular Record.

Activity examples

UVic Orientation Volunteer Program (activity)

Volunteer with UVic Orientation and help us introduce new students and families to our campus and services. As an orientation volunteer, you'll have opportunities to:

  • connect with the campus community
  • develop professional skills
  • build your social network

Orientation activities take place in the fall (August and September) and winter (January) school terms. Volunteers can also take part in year-round leadership activities.

The UVic Orientation Volunteer Program lets students:

  • contribute to the planning and delivery of orientation events and programs
  • develop leadership skills through participation in events and committees
  • attend professional development workshops
  • have fun at our annual volunteer party and other social events

UVic Global Community (activity)

The UVic Global Community provides opportunities for students, faculty and staff to:

  • celebrate diversity
  • advance inter-cultural competency
  • cultivate an inclusive and globally minded campus

Our programs support international students' transition to living in Canada, helping them adjust to Canadian culture by:

  • connecting international, Indigenous and domestic students
  • supporting all students' well-being, social inclusivity and academic success
  • respecting the beliefs, values, abilities and sexual orientations of all people
  • empowering students to take leadership roles and get involved
  • unifying and enriching our UVic Global Citizenry

WACE Global Challenge (activity)

The WACE Global Challenge is a 4-week virtual program where multi-disciplinary cross-cultural student teams from around the world work collaboratively to solve a real industry challenge for an industry or community client.

Students from all programs can apply to join the WACE Global Challenge

Position examples

Orientation Leader (position)

UVic Orientation Leaders are the frontline team for greeting and welcoming new students to UVic. They provide:

  • tours
  • group facilitation
  • student support
  • leadership

Orientation Leaders are a critical component of new student programs, facilitating groups of 35-50 new students through an entire day of activities. 

Graduate Tour Leader (position)

Graduate Tour Leaders are the frontline team for greeting and welcoming new graduate students to UVic. They provide the same service and support as Orientation Leaders.

Global Community Mentor (position)

The UVic Global Community (GC) Mentorship Program offers friendship and guidance for international students as they navigate their social and academic transition to UVic and Canada. GC Mentors:

  • support international students in building an inclusive, welcoming and globally mindful campus
  • are upper-level students familiar with UVic's campus, campus life and student support services
  • plan meaningful, on- and off-campus activities that guide and assist international students in getting involved with the campus community and academic environment