
Milestones & documents

engagement event
A UVic community engagement event

Community engagement and transparency is important to UVic. The Campus Plan Update process provided many opportunities for broad reaching engagement, as outlined in the Campus and Community Engagement Plan and summarized on our FAQ's page. 

All content relevant to the Campus Plan Update is listed here for quick accessibility and transparency. Listed are the events and relevant documents produced over the Plan Update process.

Date Description Files
Jan 26 2016

Board of Governors Approve Campus Plan (Final)

UVic Campus Plan

Jan 13 2016

Campus Plan Info Booth

Final community engagement event to discuss the key features of the Campus Plan.

Info Booth Panels

Dec 15 2015

UVic Campus Plan (Recommended to Board of Governors)

It was recommended to the Board of Governors for review and approval at their meetings in late January, 2016.

UVic Campus Plan (Draft)

Dec 2 2015

Revisions to Draft Campus Plan 

Outlines substantive changes that were made to the October 14th Draft Campus Plan in response to engagement outcomes and further input from the Campus Planning Committee and University Administration. 

Revisions to the October 14th Draft Campus Plan
Nov 30 2015

Phase 2 Engagement Summary

Reports back on what we heard from students, staff, faculty, community members, and alumni during Phase 2.

Phase 2 Engagement Summary
Oct 21 2015

Virtual Open House

To promote the release of the draft Campus Plan and offer an in-person opportunity to share feedback, an Open House was held on Oct. 21st and all material was posted online on a Virtual Open House. 

Virtual Open House
Oct 14 2015

Draft Campus Plan

The draft is built upon UVic's academic mission and priorities, as well as input received during community engagement in Phase 1. 

Draft Campus Plan

Oct 14 2015

Media Release

Apr 15 2015

Vision, Goals, and Principles (Revised)

Developed from the 2003 Campus Plan and amended based on outcomes of Phase 1 engagement activities. Campus Planning Committee recommended to President Cassels that they guide the future Campus Plan. 

Vision, Goals & Principles

Mar 18 2015

Phase 1 Engagement Summary

Reports back on what we heard from students, staff, faculty, community members, and alumni during Phase 1.

Phase 1 Engagement Summary

Appendix Part 1

Appendix Part 2

Appendix Part 3

Feb 28 2015

Summary of the "Inspiring Ideas" Speakers Event

Speaker's Night talks given by Dr. Eric Higgs and Antonio Gomez-Palacio to inspire ideas about Campus Planning. 

Event Summary

Feb 22 2015

Photo Contest

One hundred photos were submitted to the photo contest. 

Photo Contest Batch 1

Photo Contest Batch 2

Feb 04, 2015

Ideas Forum

First engagement event for UVic community members to contribute ideas and shape the Campus Plan in regards to land use, open space, natural areas, transportation, parking and buildings.

Ideas forum poster

Feb 03 2015

Physical Baseline Report

Provides a snapshot of existing conditions on campus. 



Jan 20 2015

Media Release

Dec 11 2014

Campus and Community Engagement Plan

Outlines how UVic will engage with stakeholders. 

Dec 04 2014

Presentation by the Vice President Finance

Introduces the Update process to the UVic community and beyond. 


Aug 8 2014

Terms of Reference

Sets the scope and Terms of Reference for the Update process. 


May 2003

2003 Campus Plan

The 2003 Campus Plan forms the starting point for the 2015 Campus Plan Update process. 

Campus Plan 2003