
Planning & development regulations - Saanich and Oak Bay

UVic is bisected by a municipal boundary with approximately 40% of the campus located within the District of Oak Bay and 60% in the District of Saanich. 

Map of Saanich and Oak Bay municipal boundary that bisects the university of victoria

Each municipality has its own set of bylaws and regulations that apply to land use planning and development approvals.  In particular, the zoning bylaw for each district, Bylaw No. 3531 for Oak Bay and Bylaw No. 8200 for Saanich, sets out various regulations for the use of campus lands and the development of new projects.  Most new capital projects require a Variance Permit Application from the municipality. Council is the approving authority for these permits. 

The University must also follow provincial regulations relating to tree removal and ecological protection as well as the tree removal and replacement bylaws of each municipality:

Further information on the development approval process is available by contacting planning@uvic.ca or 250-472-5433.