
Join us

James Tully
Join us for a fascinating pre or main seminar of the Victoria Colloquium.

The Victoria colloquium brings three visitors each semester to the 番茄社区.

Two sessions are held in connection with each visit. The first is a "pre-seminar" (usually held one week before the main seminar), at which participants read selected publications of the visitor and meet to discuss. For those interested in more intensive participation, we encourage regular attendance in the pre-seminars.

The second and major component is the main seminar presented by the visitor. Everyone is welcome to attend the main seminars of the Victoria Colloquium.

The visitor's paper is circulated to regular participants in advance, and made available on the website for a period of six months after the date of presentation. The visitor speaks to the paper for approximately 30 minutes. The session is then opened for discussion. The entire seminar lasts one and a half hours and involves a high quality of discussion.

The periodic meetings allow the participants to develop an intensive continuing conversation both among themselves and with the visitors across the year's seminars.