
Faculty representatives to Senate

Under the University Act, the Senate is responsible for the academic governance of the university, including matters related to libraries, faculties, departments, courses of instruction, fellowships, scholarships, exhibitions, bursaries, prizes, admissions, student appeals, and the granting of degrees (including honorary degrees, diplomas and certificates). 

There are 32 faculty positions on Senate. Two members are elected from each faculty, with the remainder elected as at-large faculty members. Faculty members are elected to serve three-year terms, commencing on July 1st.

Call for nominations and elections are usually held in December and January. 

Learn about the jurisdiction of Senate, its composition and its committees on our website.

Senate plays a key role in the governance of the university. Please consider standing for election or nominating your colleagues.

Additional information:

Calls for Nominations

This is a first call for nominations for a by-election for a regular faculty member to join Senate as a member-at-large, for a term beginning as soon as possible and ending June 30, 2026.

Nomination Form

Completed nomination forms must be received at usec@uvic.ca by 4:30pm on September 25, 2024.

This is a third call for nominations for a by-election for a Continuing Sessional Lecturer to join Senate, for a term beginning as soon as possible and ending June 30, 2026.

Nomination Form

Completed nomination forms must be received at usec@uvic.ca by 4:30pm on September 24, 2024. 


Nominations received

Nominations received for a member-at-large to join Senate

Name Faculty Status
Adam Con Fine Arts Call still open
