
Monthly & annual giving

Your ongoing donations allow us to plan more effectively for the future. 

Please consider an ongoing commitment. You can set up for weekly, monthly, or quarterly donations.

With your help we can:

  • Hire a full-time archivist dedicated to the Transgender Archives
  • Hire more students and part-time staff to process materials and make them available more quickly
  • Search out and acquire historical materials from more marginalized communities
  • Digitize and post more materials online so that they can be easily available anywhere, any time
  • Increase the quality and quantity of storage for our collections
  • Provide more assistance to students and researchers using the collections
  • Provide better working facilities for visiting researchers

How do I setup recurring donations?

  1. Visit the .
  2. Under Additional information section, select the Recurring gift option.
  3. Select the frequency option that works best for you.