
Exchange Online upgrade project

We're upgrading all employee email accounts from Exchange 2016 to Exchange Online. This update will help us maintain the technical currency of UVic's email service. It also adds better Microsoft 365 integration for users. We'll update this page with more details about new features as they're implemented.

The email upgrade includes primary NetLink ID mailboxes and role-based email accounts. Both types of email accounts are moving to Exchange Online.

Project roadmap

This service upgrade is happening between Summer 2024 and Summer 2025. We'll update this page with more information as we move through each phase.

Phase 1 - March 2024 to June 2024

  • Creating technical processes for smooth mailbox migrations
  • Testing migration processes for primary NetLink ID mailboxes
  • Finalizing migration options for role-based email users
  • Developing changes to email-integrated systems so they can use Exchange Online

Phase 2 - July 2024 to August 2024

Phase 3 - September 2024 to December 2024

  • Developing technical changes for migrating role-based email accounts to Exchange Online
  • Creating self-serve migration tools for role-based email accounts

Phase 4 - January 2025 to April 2025

  • Self-serve migration tools for role-based email accounts are available to users

Phase 5 - May 2025

  • Bulk migration of any remaining role-based email accounts eligible for Exchange Online