
Unit presentations

At least twice per year, Jim Dunsdon, Associate Vice-President Student Affairs, meets with Student Affairs (STUA) staff for unit presentations. At these interactive sessions, Dunsdon provides updates and answers questions on institutional and student-focused initiatives at UVic.

Spring 2021

At this virtual event, Dunsdon shared an update on institutional enrolment, STUA budget submissions for 2021/22, results from recent student surveys, summer/fall plans, and much more. Thank you to everyone who participated!

Watch a recording of the STUA Spring 2021 unit presentation

Summer and Fall plans

Given the current public health orders, UVic is continuing to offer a mix of online and face-to-face courses for the summer term. UVic is actively planning multiple scenarios for the fall and we will share more information as soon as we can.

STUA staff many questions about plans for an eventual return to campus. Below are answers to some of the more common questions we heard: 

Will there be flexible arrangements for staff who want to keep working from home?

This past year has demonstrated that working from home works well for some staff/areas. Human Resources is working on principles for remote work arrangements post-pandemic, to be reviewed with senior leadership. Remote working will work better in some areas than others, and may not be possible in all areas depending on the nature of the work. It is important to ensure the best possible experience for our students.

Will we continue to offer hybrid learning for students who like it?

UVic will continue to be a predominantly face-to-face institution after this pandemic. However, we know that some faculty, instructors and students like online teaching and learning. Going forward, we may see more blended and hybrid delivery options.

Changes to program and course delivery mode is initiated by academic units. It is also the purview of Senate and long-term changes to course delivery modes require Senate approval.

Will I be required to get vaccinated if I want to come to campus?

Following the direction of the public health officer (PHO), vaccination, though encouraged, will not be a requirement of studying or working here. Please respect choices and understand people have different situations. We will continue to have some health and safety measures in place until the PHO determines we have reached community immunity.

Will we accommodate staff, faculty and students with immunology conditions?

The safety of our campus community is our highest priority. We will continue to provide flexible options, to the best of our ability, for those with immunological conditions.

I share an office space with colleagues. Are there plans to make changes to physical spaces to prevent disease transmission?

To support a return to campus, every office will require an approved Safe Work Plan. Developed with guidance from Occupational Health, Safety and Environment, these plans outline any changes required to make your work space as safe as possible.

Supporting student success

STUA staff shared their thoughts on how we can best support student success. Popular answers included:

  • Expand and continue peer mentorship programming
  • More mental health supports for staff and students
  • Communication strategies and coordination
  • More student supports for under-represented populations like those with lived experience in care
  • More safe opportunities for students to socialize
  • More staff recognition

Past events