

Student studying on beach
Students may obtain this certificate concurrently with a Bachelor or other degree by completing the requirements together with an honours, major or general program, or as an independent program. This certificate will allow students to earn an additional credential they can use to demonstrate the specific skills related to climate change and sustainability and will assist in the process of finding a post degree career path.


Students of diverse interests and academic backgrounds will learn about the complex conditions (historical, political, socio-cultural, economic, technological, etc.) that created and are creating climate change. How are (and will) people in different geographical and social locations experience the future?


The new Certificate in the Human Dimensions of Climate Change (HDCC) is an innovative and flexible interdisciplinary program.


Creative pedagogies and experiential learning that transcend disciplinary boundaries to study the interconnections of humans and climate change.


Some HDCC students want to go on to study climate science, but most will go on to become planners, administrators, leaders, and innovators, working to solve the current climate crisis working by working in:

  • an office of sustainability in a municipality, a university, an NGO, CSO, or a business
  • community planning
  • municipal, provincial, or federal policymaking
  • teaching
  • international climate leadership initiatives (UN, NGOs)
  • consulting
  • ecological stewardship
  • social change animators
  • emergency and risk management planning

Use your skills and knowledge in addressing climate change issues in a wide variety of existing and new occupations. See requirements.