
Careers in political science

Rebecca Collard

Rebecca Collard (BA 2006) is a multiplatform freelance journalist covering breaking news in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Israel, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. She also reports on the refugee crisis in Europe.

Santo Darmosumarto in front of a freight ship in Indonesia

Santo Darmosumarto (MA 1999) joined the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs after he completed is MA. He is now the Assistant Special Staff of the President, Office of the President of the Republic of Indonesia.

Sarah Marie Weibe outdoors

Sarah Marie Weibe (MA 2008) is an Assistant Professor at the University of Hawaii and the author of the book "Everyday Exposure – Indigenous Mobilization and Environmental Justice in Canada's Chemical Valley."

Erich Nahser-Ringer on building steps with co-workers and bicycles

Erich Nahser-Ringer (BA 2009, seated centre) says that his time studying political science at UVic has been instrumental in his career. After working as a Legistlative Assistant in the BC Legislature, he is now working in First Nations Relations for the Capital Regional District.

What can I do with a degree in political science?

Political science explores concepts of authority, conflict, debate, governance and power. We use these to analyze and understand political systems and behaviour.

You'll develop your ability to solve problems and make decisions. Our graduates work in the public, private, non-profit sectors, and even business.

Some career options for political science majors

  • Campaign organizer
  • City planner
  • Civil servant
  • Communications officer
  • Consultant
  • Diplomat
  • Fundraiser
  • Journalist
  • Human rights activist
  • Lawyer
  • Lobbyist
  • Media analyst
  • Mediator/negotiator
  • Policy advisor
  • Politician
  • Project management
  • Public policy analyst
  • Translator

Additional education and training may be required

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Meet our alumni

Jody Wilson-Raybould (Puglaas)

Member of Parliament

Jody Wilson-Raybould (Puglaas) is a descendent of the Musgamagw Tsawataineuk and Laich-Kwil-Tach peoples. She was elected as the Liberal MP for the riding of Vancouver Granville in the 2015 federal election and has served as the Minister of Justice and Attorney General and the Minister of Veterans Affairs. She is the first Indigenous person to hold these positions. In 2003 she was an elected Commissioner to the BC Treaty Commission, and in 2009 was elected a Regional Chief of the BC Assembly of First Nations.

Political Science and History - BA (1996)

Rebecca Collard

Freelance Journalist

Rebecca is a multiplatform journalist covering breaking news and features from Lebanon, Egypt, Israel, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. She produces radio and television packages and provides commentary for CBC, BBC, Monocle24 and Voice of America among other international outlets. She writes for The GuardianThe Christian Science Monitor, GlobalPost, Voice of America, and Rolling Stone (Middle East edition).

Political Science and Professional Writing (minor) - BA (2006)

Santo Darmosumarto

Assistant Special Staff of the President
Office of the President of the Republic of Indonesia

Santo joined the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs after completing his MA. In 2001, he began his PhD at Monash University, Australia and returned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2004. He has held his current position since 2010. Read more

Political Science - MA (1999)

Dayna Dobrowolski

Senior Director of Government Affairs
Canadian Beverage Association

At the Canadian Beverage Association, Dayna is responsible for developing and executing government relations strategies at all levels – federal, territorial, provincial and municipal. Dayna’s work takes her across Canada as she meets with key government officials and collaborates with beverage industry members. Prior to joining the Canadian Beverage Association, Dayna was a Senior Consultant with Global Public Affairs, where she led their Health and Life Sciences team. Read more

Political Science and Philosophy (minor) - BA (2015)

Aidan Brand

Director of Voter Services
Elections BC

Aidan graduated from UVic with a strong knowledge of electoral processes and BC-STV in particular. This expertise helped him secure a position as Planning Officer with Elections BC in advance of the 2009 provincial election and referendum on electoral reform. Now, as the Director of Voter Services, Aidan’s portfolio includes voter registration as well as ongoing online and telephone services for voters. Read more

Political Science - BA (2006)

Jim Hopkins

Assistant Deputy Minister
BC Provincial Treasury

Jim joined the Ministry of Finance in 1979. He has held positions as research analyst in economic policy and planning, executive assistant to the deputy minister, and director of policy in the government's purchasing commission. In 1987, Jim joined the Debt Management Branch and was appointed as Director of Borrowing and Project Finance in 1999, and Executive Director in 2002. In April 2004, Jim was appointed Assistant Deputy Minister of Provincial Treasury. Read more

Political Science - BA (1976)

Tristan Denniston

Associate Director, Community and Government Relations

Tristan graduated from UVic in Spring of 2013, he obtained a Bachelor of Arts with a double major in History and Political Science. Upon graduation, he worked in a number of roles for the BC Government Caucus in research and administration. In Spring of 2015, he moved into a number various advisory capacities for a number of Ministers. Here he gained hands experience working with policy related climate change, clean energy, regulations and Crown Corporations. Following the 2017 election, he worked as a policy advisor in Opposition. In June 2017, Tristan began his new role here at the University as Associate Director of Community and Government Relations. Read More

History and Political Science - BA (2013)