
Heather Bauer

Heather Bauer
Climate Action Analyst
Climate Action Secretariat, Ministry of Environment, Province of British Columbia

Geography - BSc (2009)

Heather is involved in outreach and citizen engagement at the Climate Action Secretariat, which is an agency that works across government and with stakeholders (including industry and communities) to reduce carbon emissions and prepare for climate change. Open government and citizen engagement is a fairly new approach to governance, which respects the need for citizens to be active in helping government make good decisions about providing services and ensuring sustainable prosperity.

As a geographer, I am trained to see the world as a whole. Climate change requires a holistic and inclusive approach to seeking solutions. It is a very scientific field in many respects, but it is even more about human behaviour. I was trained to think critically about reality, and beyond that, how different people perceive reality. I also have a skill set that includes spatial and temporal analysis, which helps me to understand problems and opportunities in a strategic way. Of course, digital tools have a significant role in nearly every discipline and I find I am highly valued for my advanced knowledge in online communications, networking and facilitation.