
Courtney Bolinson

Courtney Bolinson
Impact Evaluation and Learning Manager
Engineers Without Borders

Environmental Studies and Economics - BSc (2011)

Courtney works with EWB Canada to develop innovative evaluation processes to measure the impact of their African programs. She has previously held positions with the Environmental Resources Centre, ThinkWater, and Innovations for Poverty Action. Courtney also runs her own evaluation consulting business where she works with diverse clients to help them understand the impact of their work.

Subsequent Education: MSc Agricultural and Applied Economics and MSc Agroecology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2016

Without a double major in Environmental Studies and Economics, I never would have gotten one of IPA’s prestigious positions. My BSc in Economics gave me credibility and the technical background necessary for a position with IPA, while my second major in Environmental Studies provided me with an understanding of agriculture and food security that most Economics undergraduates do not have. I feel like my degree made me uniquely poised for a number of prestigious entry-level international development jobs upon graduation. I am extremely pleased with the education I received from UVic and I would highly recommend the Econ/ES track to other students.