
Curtis Rattray

Curtis Rattray
Edziza Trails

Environmental Studies (2001)

After finishing 6 years as President of the Tahltan Central Council, the elected spokesperson for the Tahltan Nation, Curtis started his own business called Edziza Trails where he provides capacity building services, aboriginal adventure tours and leadership development.  Capacity building is about working with Indigenous and non-Indigenous people and organizations to incorporate more indigenous content into their lives and/or organizations.  Curtis provides guided tours into remote areas of Tahltan territory.  Leadership development is based upon leadership, cultural experiences on the land and wellness. 

Curtis also co-founded a Tahltan NGO that provides Wholistic Indigenous Leadership Development.  He is project lead for Indigenous adaptions to climate change, documenting Tahltan knowledge, and community led monitoring projects.  He is also networking with other Indigenous communities around the arctic and sub-arctic and Snowchange Cooperative out of Finland.     

Humanity is in a social crisis as well as an environmental crisis.  There are growing movements to de-colonize our collective colonial experiences and heal.  Education is an important path to take to learning about de-colonizing and wellness.