
Severn Cullis-Suzuki

Severn Cullis-Suzuki
Environmental activist and culture advocate, broadcaster

Environmental Studies - MSc (2007)

Severn believes in science, traditional knowledge, and communication in the pursuit of sustainability. She has worked on environmental and social justice issues her whole life, sitting on the Earth Charter Commission and Council, cycling across Canada for clean air, and is on the board of directors for the David Suzuki Foundation. She speaks widely on ecological and social issues, and has hosted TV shows including 4 seasons of APTN’s "Samaqan: Water Stories." She maintains a close connection with Japan, having completed 5 environmental speaking tours across the country. Severn’s current life focuses on Reconciliation between the indigenous and non-indigenous members of the family of Canada.

The School of Environmental Studies at UVic renewed my interest and hopes for academia. Learning at a place of such interdisciplinary scholarship was such an inspiration: I learned the value and importance of the intersection of interdisciplinary learning, academic rigour and advocacy, which is now the foundation of all my work and advocacy today.