
Sadaf Mirza

Sadaf Mirza
Chief Economist & Executive Director
Economic Forecasting and Analysis, BC Government

Economics - BSc (1997), MA (1999)

Sadaf Mirza has 18 years of experience working as an economist with the BC government, including successive leadership positions in the Ministry of Finance. As Chief Economist for the BC Ministry of Finance she is responsible for developing the provincial government economic forecast, and provides strategic analysis and advice to senior levels of government on the economy and economic policy.

My education at UVic gave me a solid foundation in macroeconomic theory and econometrics, which I apply in my work on a daily basis. Economic forecasting requires an understanding of how economic agents in a market behave and respond to changing policy, and econometrics allows us to model that behaviour. My economics education from UVic has given me the skills to apply that knowledge, and I had the privilege of being taught by the best professors.