
Brooklynn Comish-Trimble

Brooklynn Comish-Trimble
Senior Lab Instructor & Sessional Lecturer
Office: BEC 306

BA Honours Economics (UVic) 2019, MA Economics (UVic) 2021

Brooklynn works as a Senior Lab Instructor and Sessional Instructor for the Economics Department at the ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø. In her role as a Senior Lab Instructor, Brooklynn supports the introductory and intermediate micro and macro economics courses. In her work as a Sessional Instructor, Brooklynn has had the opportunity to teach both econometrics and heath economics.

Brooklynn found her way to economics after starting her post secondary studies in the engineering department. After a year in the engineering department, Brooklynn reflected and realized she enjoyed calculus and working with people. With this revelation, she decided economics was the best fit! After transferring, Brooklynn discovered her passion in health economics through her undergraduate studies. Both her Honours and MA research focused on analyzing the impacts of different e-cigarette policies. This special interest in health economics and econometrics has proven valuable as she now teaches in both areas.

After completing her BA Honours, she went directly into the Economics Masters program at the ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø. During this time, she worked as the department’s Teaching Assistant Consultant and completed the Instructional Skills Teaching Workshop. These experiences solidified her interest in teaching. Brooklynn has completed the Facilitator Development Workshop and is now a registered facilitator for the Instructional Skills Workshop.

When reflecting on her experience as a student, Brooklynn’s advice to current students is:

You have so many opportunities available to you, just go for it and see what happens! Try! Interested in improving student experiences on campus? Join a club! Sit on a committee! Interested in working with a particular professor on a specific project? Ask! Want to share your research? Try sending out your paper and see what happens! Thinking about graduate school? Apply! Talk to an advisor! When I first saw the Senior Lab Instructor job posting, I was initially quite disappointed because I did not yet have all of the job requirements (I was still writing my MA Essay and had not yet defended it). I went for it anyways, and now have a job where I am doing what I love with awesome people. Try! Try Again! And just keep trying!