
Phil Ashworth

Phil Ashworth
Portfolio Manager
Odlum Brown Limited

Economics - BSc (2006)

Phil always knew he wanted to work in the investment industry and found summer employment in the mail room at Odlum Brown when he was still a UVic Economics student. His work ethic and strong academic background in valuing stocks and bonds gained him a job on the Trade Desk at Odlum Brown after he graduated. Years later, Phil remains with the same firm. As a Portfolio Manager, he deals with a wide range of individual investors, tailoring portfolios to individual circumstances and ensuring that asset allocation is correct based on each client’s objectives and risk tolerance.

Studying economics at UVic is a great way to open doors into many areas of the financial industry. When I came to UVic, all I knew was that I wanted to be in the investment industry, and I am sure glad that I chose to study economics. For anyone with an interest in how economies and markets work, and the power of incentives, I would encourage you to dive into the world of economics. The opportunities are endless! 

Subsequent education: Chartered Financial Analyst (2011)