
Room layouts

U Shape


  • Seating around three sides of room
  • Good for front presentations 
  • Conducive to discussion 
  • Presentation space in middle of room 
  • Another U can be placed within primary U for more seating


  • Centrally located table
  • Classic layout ideal for debate & discussion 
  • Popular for smaller meetings


  • For product launches, presentations & displays
  • Able to present to large number of attendees
  • Optimal room occupancy


  • For presenting to small/medium groups
  • Delegates have own workspace 
  • Ideal for testing & individual training

Herringbone Classroom

  • Classroom Style
  • Tables angled toward center
  • Allows more discussion than standard classroom layout

Half Rounds

  • All delegates face front
  • Ideal for presentations & small group work

Banquet (Dinner/Dance)

  • Tables around central dance area
  • Mostly for weddings & entertainment
  • May also use round tables for layout



  • Rectangular tables around perimeter
  • Discussion tables in middle