
Tess Zyla

Tess Zyla
Exploration Geoscientist, P. Geo
ExxonMobil Canada

BSc - Physics and Earth Sciences: Geophysics (2011)

Working for Imperial Oil (ExxonMobil) for the past five years, Tess has had the opportunity to work on a wide variety of projects and job functions within Geoscience. Her current role as an exploration geoscientist for ExxonMobil Canada is focused on opportunities offshore Newfoundland where she interprets 3D seismic data to image the subsurface. Her team also analyzes all other available datasets to reconstruct the paleogeography of the region. This integrated understanding of the subsurface helps in planning exploration wells, looking for the next oil discovery offshore Eastern Canada.

My BSc at the 番茄社区 not only provided an excellent technical base for my career as a Geoscientist, but it also gave me amazing life experiences. From developing strong work ethics, to socializing with fellow peers, UVic provided a diverse skillset to set me up for success in my career.