
Monthly giving

Your ongoing donations allow us to plan more effectively for the future. 

Please consider an ongoing commitment. You can set up monthly donations on our .

You can help to make these things happen:

Grow the endowment fund to ensure the continuation of the Chair in Transgender Studies

  • The endowment fund to ensure the continuation of the Chair in Transgender Studies
  • Scholarships for undergraduate, masters, and doctoral students
  • Fellowships for visiting community-based scholars
  • Fellowships for visiting professors
  • Conferences and symposia
  • Public lectures, short courses, podcasts, and webinars
  • Films and arts events
  • Training the trainers: Making university and school policies and courses more sensitive to the needs of Trans+ students, faculty, and staff
  • Supporting service providers: Bringing the best research to those who provide services to Trans+ people
  • Building connections: Linking together researchers and service providers around the world to produce better research and translate that into better lives for Trans+ people
  • Media outreach

How do I setup recurring donations?

  1. Visit the .
  2. Under Gift Info, select the MONTHLY option.
  3. Next, select your gift amount and complete the form.