
Rebecca Coulter

Rebecca Coulter
MSc Student



Hello! My name is Rebecca and I started my MSc in Kinesiology with the Digital Health Lab in September 2021. I was born and raised in Victoria, and grew up playing almost every competitive sport in the book. My love of sports led me to complete my undergraduate degree in Human Kinetics at UBC Okanagan, specializing in clinical exercise physiology. After graduation I returned to the island (obviously!) and started working in sports management for the Canadian Armed Forces. While working full time my love of fitness grew, and my obsession with closing my rings on my Apple Watch inspired me to pursue research in Digital Health. My research with Dr. Sam Liu will aim to explore the use of wearable technology in relation to physical activity and social media use in young adults. Outside of the lab you’ll find me playing volleyball, golf, hiking, and searching for the best banana bread recipes the internet has to offer.