
Brenda Adams

Brenda Adams
PhD Student

BSc, MEd


I am currently looking at the resiliency of exercise professionals who do one-on-one training (kinesiologists, Personal Trainers etc.) with the intention of developing an online program to help strengthen their resiliency. Due to the nature of delivering such a program in the online environment, the Digital Health Lab was the perfect fit. My work will center around the creation of evidence-based content as well as looking at novel ways to support/motivate program participants in the online space.

Outside of our lab I work as a Project Manager with the Nanaimo Division of Family Practice, I am a sessional instructor at Vancouver Island University, and I facilitate a community of practice for Personal Trainers. When I’m not working, I’m outside with my husband and 8-year-old daughter, hiking, gardening and playing on as many playgrounds as we can find.