
Anthony Truelove

Anthony Truelove
Research Engineer
Pacific Regional Institute for Marine Energy Discovery (PRIMED)

BEng (Royal Military College of Canada), BSc (Athabasca University), MAsc (UVic)

Area of expertise

Modelling, simulation, optimization of marine surface vessels

Anthony received his BEng in Mechanical Engineering from the Royal Military College of Canada (Kingston, ON) in May of 2011 and MASc from UVic in 2018. During his engineering undergraduate studies, Anthony particularly enjoyed working in the modelling and simulation of dynamical systems and control theory. Anthony served in the Canadian Forces from June 2006 until July 2016; this included two years of service in the infantry and eight years of service in naval engineering. Towards the end of his military service, Anthony began pursuing, purely out of interest, a B.Sc. in Applied Mathematics by correspondence with Athabasca University (Athabasca, AB); he completed this degree in August of 2016. During his mathematics undergraduate studies, Anthony particularly enjoyed working in mathematical modelling and simulation, differential equations, and optimization.

Anthony is currently working as a research engineer with PRIMED. His research interests include modelling, simulation, and optimization.