
Pouria Feyzi Oskouei

Pouria Feyzi Oskouei
Master's student
Mechanical Engineering

BSc (Sharif University of Technology)

Area of expertise

Nonequilibrium thermodynamics, energy conversion, thermofluids, microfluidics

Pouria is a Master’s student in the Mechanical Engineering Department supervised by Dr. Henning Struchtrup. His field of study is thermodynamics and energy conversion. To be more detailed, he is working on nonequilibrium thermodynamics principles. He has work experience in the industry as a design and technical engineer and member of the quality control section at Radsarma company manufacturing supermarket refrigerators and food maintenance cooling rooms. As refrigeration principles are all rooted in thermodynamics, he has always been interested in this field of study and work.

Academics aside, he is a natural bodybuilder and holds the ‘Advanced bodybuilding trainer’ degree from IFBB.