
Aaron Hoyle

Aaron Hoyle
PhD student
School of Public Administration

BEng (Dalhousie University), MRM (Simon Fraser University)

Area of expertise

Climate policy evaluation, climate policy governance, energy-economy modelling

Aaron is a PhD student in the School of Public Administration working under the supervision of Dr. Katya Rhodes. He is an energy and climate policy researcher with a background in engineering and energy economics. Before joining IESVic Aaron worked for the Canada Energy Regulator on climate and energy policy analysis to support long-term energy demand projections. Aaron has also worked in climate policy consulting and in engineering roles in industry. His master's research evaluated the effect of federal government climate policy on Canada's greenhouse gas emissions, with a focus on policy interactions. 

Aaron is passionate about climate change mitigation and aims to apply his analytical background and interdisciplinary training to contribute to informed discussions around energy and climate policy. His doctoral research involves assessing and explaining the effectiveness and acceptability of alternative climate policy pathways that are likely to hit Canada's greenhouse gas emissions targets.

Outside of work, Aaron likes to get active outside and spend time with friends and family.