
Paulo Trevizoli

Paulo Trevizoli
Adjunct Professor at Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG, Brazil)


Paulo V. Trevizoli joined IESVic in October 2015 as a Post Doc researcher. Working in collaboration with Prof. Andrew Rowe in Cryofuels Lab, his main research topic was in the experimental and numerical evaluation and optimization of passive thermal regenerators and active magnetic regenerators for heat pumping applications. In 2017, he was the lecturer of the course MECH494 Thermofulds and Introduction to Mass Transfer. Paulo left IESVic in September 2017.

Presently, he is an Adjunct Professor at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), where he teaches the courses: Thermodynamics, Thermal System Designs, and Computational Fluid Dynamics, and supervises undergrad students, as well master and PhD students.

He is also the head of the Laboratory of Emerging Thermal Systems. Currently his group is focused in the design, simulation, and optimization of caloric (magneto and barocaloric) technologies for cooling, thermomagnetic motors and energy storage. A caloric heat pump is based on the active regeneration, which apply a caloric material as solid refrigerant and regenerative matrix. Thermomagnetic motor is based on the effect of temperature on the magnetic properties of a ferromagnetic material around the magnetic transition temperature. These kind of motors have great potential as heat recovery systems, converting thermal waste in useful electricity. The Laboratory of Emerging Thermal Systems already have an active magnetic regenerator apparatus (PM II, in collaboration with Dr. Andrew Rowe) and a linear motion thermomagnetic motor.