
Narrative Trumps Numbers: Marilyn Waring in the World

to appear in Counting on Marilyn Waring: New Advances in Feminist Economics, published by Demeter Press

Rod Dobell, Jodie Walsh

Published: January 2014

Keywords: Feminism, Feminist Economics, Feminist Theory


CFGS Senior Research Associate Ron Dobell has published a chapter with CFGS Research Coordinator Jodie Walsh in the volume Counting on Marilyn Waring: New Advances in Feminist Economics titled "Narrative Trumps Numbers: Marilyn Waring in the World".

This volume, edited by Marjunn Bjornholt and Alisa McKay, maps new advances in theories and practices in feminist economics and the valuation of women, care and nature since Marilyn Waring’s 1988 groundbreaking critique of the system of national accounts, If Women Counted. It features theoretical, practical and policy oriented contributions, empirical studies, and new conceptualizations, theorizations and problematizations of defining and accounting for the value of nature and unpaid household work, eco-feminism, national and international policy processes, unpaid care and HIV/AIDS policy, activism and artwork, and mirrors the wide-ranging impact and resonance of Waring’s work as well as the current frontiers of feminist economics.


Publication: Narrative Trumps Numbers Marilyn Waring in the World ARD with JW.pdf